
Content-Based Push Notifications

Once you start collecting subscribers, our system will profile each subscriber to a specific type of content or category. uses Machine-Learning technology to segment users, so you can overview how many subscribers are interested in the "Apparel" section of your Store, for example.

Push notifications have a 35% higher impact when they are focused on the critical interests of visitors, compared with site-wide notifications that often mention products or content the users are not interested in.

After you've collected a minimum of 500 subscribers on each category or segment of your website, you can set up weekly campaigns dedicated to each subscriber segment, informing old and new subscribers about new products or newly published articles.

Want to make edits to the campaign? Edit the campaign, and our system will push notifications to old and new subscribers relevant to your category choice.

You can also add vibration patterns, tags, and UTM parameters.

Set your custom campaigns up, sit back and relax!

Experience the benefits of direct

interaction with your website visitors

Try it out for free!

Signup for free in under 2 minutes, sync your hostname and start collection subscribers for free!